Don’t Miss an Opportunity to be Used by God
Last year, Terri and I were camping in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and had just finished riding our bikes on a Mountain Bike Trail. We had just put our bikes on the truck and were getting ready to pull out of the parking area when a lady with a mask came running up to us waving her hands. My first thought was that the lady was wanting to sell us something, but I reluctantly rolled down the window. Boy was I wrong.
Sometimes God puts us in a place to help someone and we think about turning away because we don’t want to get involved. I almost did this that afternoon and what a mistake if I would have missed a chance to be used by God.
The lady had locked her keys in her car and was visibly shaken. She needed our help but was leery and reluctant to ask for help. Terri and I gave her a ride to the condo she lived at, so she could get another set of keys for her car. While driving my “nurse” wife could tell she was shaken and started asking those “nursing” questions. Well come to find out she was 72 and had lost her husband a couple of years ago, she also shared she had mini strokes in the past. The anniversary of first meeting her husband and his death was just a couple of days way. She was in tears sharing her tragedies with us. I asked if I could pray for her when we got back to her car. She said yes but she was surprised when I prayed for her right there in the truck. I believe in praying on the spot when prayer is needed. Terri and I could tell she was not use to this.
Well, the story ended well, and she was able to get into her car and headed on her way. Terri and I discussed how we almost missed the opportunity to be used by God.
I want to encourage you guys to allow yourself to be used by God. Don’t be afraid to get involved, you never know how God will use you.
Mark 12:31
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Proverbs 11:25
25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
