“Finding Hope”
Terri and I were camping along Lake Michigan. Our days were filled with visiting family, getting some beautiful views of Lake Michigan. Once back at the campground we usually would go cool off at the pool and then spend the evening around a campfire.
One day at the pool I enjoyed watching a little girl being taught to swim by her father. It was great to see the little girl taking those little outstretched arms reaching towards her father as he slowly kept getting farther away. The girl knew that her dad was there to help her if she needed it. The father was speaking words of encouragement with every kick of the feet and handful of water the girl grabbed with each stroke. When she finally caught up with her dad, she put her arms around his neck and said, “I made it”. She felt secure in her father’s arms.
Our Father in Heaven is just like this. He is there in our lives watching every step we take. Waiting to reach out to us, giving us encouragement and guidance along our journey. He will help us fight our battles and be there for us. He has been doing this for His people for thousands of years. We should be secure in our Father’s arms.
Exodus 14:14 (NIV)
14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
