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  • Writer's picturebombeidarrell

“Jesus, The Center of History”

Jesus of Nazareth was a penniless teacher from Galilee that changed history. There has never been another human like Jesus. He led a life that we still read about today. His goodness, His courage, and His love has had more of an impact than any other human in history.

Jesus did not come to impress us, but He came to save the lost. God came down as a human to live among us to die on the cross for our sins, then rose from the tomb. He simply wants us to reach out to Him and trust Him to help us, forgive us and restore us. When we do trust in Jesus, He has the power to change our life.

Luke 19:10 (NIV)

10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Many people are searching for something more in life. There are many from all areas of our society that need what Jesus has to offer. There will be some who read this, and they are missing out on what Jesus can do for them. They might have everything that the world deems success but are missing out on what Jesus can offer. Jesus has changed men’s lives throughout history, if you haven’t surrendered to Him, make today the day.

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