Numbers don’t Matter
Numbers don’t Matter
I learned a valuable lesson one Sunday while teaching a Sunday School class. I only had two people show up for class and my wife wasn’t even there as she was working as a nurse in the hospital that day. To be honest I was a little discouraged. However, the Lord put an older couple in my class that both had fathers who had been pastors.
I still reflect on their words they shared with me to this day that their fathers shared with them. They said Darrell, “why are you teaching”? Are you doing it for the numbers or are you doing it for God? Wow!! That was sobering. They told me to do it for the Lord and leave the numbers part up to Him. These words have stuck with me throughout the years.
As we live out our faith, we need to make sure our actions are done with the correct motive. We could sing in the choir, teach a Sunday School class, or serve God in some capacity, but we need to ask ourselves why are we doing this? Are we doing it for bringing glory to the Lord or just doing it to check off a personal at-a-boy for our own glory? Tough question to ask ourselves and to reflect on our relationship with God.
We serve the Lord by serving people made in God’s image, and that blesses Him and brings Jesus' joy. We are encouraged to, “Serve the Lord with gladness”.
Galatians 1:10
10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ
