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  • Writer's picturebombeidarrell

“We can Have Hope in any Situation”

It seems like I have a lot of friends, and family that have been through some tough situations this year. Don’t lose hope.

However hard the situation we are facing or how desperate your situation might seem there is always hope. Hope transitions everything, every pain, sorrow, fear, and loss. Hope is what sets us apart as children of God. Hope is what gives light in darkness and comfort in pain.

You might ask where do we get our hope? Hope comes from knowing God’s love for us. In any situation we are going to have a struggle between faith and doubt. When we put our faith in God, it will allow us to have hope in any situation. An important thing to remember is that whatever we face, God is right there with us. He will never abandon us.

Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Take care and have hope in any situation.


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